They can help you prevent short term eye strain and other issues resulting from using your device for extended periods or frequently throughout the day.
The following apps can be used on devices that do not have this type of functionality built into their design. Eye strain is a very common concern today and one of the most common vision issues, but you can help prevent it with helpful apps that make using the computer less of a strain on the eyes. This cause them to become overworked and can cause headaches, vision issues, and long-term damage. When you sit at a computer for extended periods of time, it forces your eyes to focus on a brightly lit screen and focus intently for far longer than the eyes can safely handle. Luckily, there are some apps and software that you can incorporate into your screen time to reduce these impacts to your vision. Prolonged computer use can reduce your ability to focus and can create short or long-term vision issues associated with computer eye strain.
If you find yourself using your computer for several hours per day, you need to concern yourself with impacts on your vision.